Saturday, April 4, 2009

Research article

Yolanda has asked me to turn my applied study into a research article and submit for publication. I have to admit this is scary to me, but I am willing to put in my best effort as it is something I would like to be good at.

I talked to Kailonnie Dunsmore, a colleague of mine, for advice and I contacted my peer advisor. Both suggest that I search online using ERIC and PROQUEST to identify journals that are publishing articles with subject matter like mine in critical literacy. I search using "multiple identities," "critical literacy," and "multicultural education" and came up with some articles that I perused. I identified several possible journals:

ERIC Clearinghouse on Urban Education, Institute for Urban and Minority Education, Box 40 Teachers College
Phi Delta Kappan
Journal of Language, Identity, and Education
Urban Education
Journal of Educational Administration
New England Reading Association Journal
Multicultural Education
Language Arts
The Reading Teacher
Journal of Literacy Research
Preventing School Failure
Teachers College Record
Multicultural Perspectives.
Literacy Research and Instruction
Thinking Classroom.
Theory into Practice.

I think I share this list with others for input and select a potential journal for submittal. I also need to get some templates on research articles.

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