I also attended a 4 day conference (Nexus U and Nexus II) at Bowling Green State University. This was a transformative experience for me personally. This is the second annual event of bringing together people who work in change to develop a shared understanding and potentially shared practice. I think it began as a way to bring people together around whole systems change methods as described in The Change Handbook by Peggy Holman, Tom Devane, and Steven Cady. It was clear in this conference that the focus is not around technical solutions (hence Myron's opening remarks on "the tyranny of technique) but rather a interest in noticing patterns across the methods and the principles upon which they are based. Throughout the conference the arts team integrated learning and ideas in non-linquistic ways (i.e. feedback theatre, coffee filter play, etc.). The conference began with Myron's talk on systems. He introduced his information, identity and relationships model which resides with meaning, action and trust. He left us with three questions:
- How do systems work? How does this system work? (theory, observation of particular org.)
- How do we work the system. (practice congruent with theory)
- How do I work in and with this system? (Coherence between authenticity and integrity in and with the system)
How do we know?
Making the invisible visible-in this conversation we talked about organizational culture. One example was the girl scout military/patriarchy culture. Tamara's following quote was particularly insightful "When I'm in a system, what part of me do I need to leave out of the system...what do I need to leave at the door becausethe system doesn't embrace it?" I reflected on how important it is to connect with other information systems besides our typical 5 senses. Following are a few provocative quotes from Tamara that I wanted to keep track of: "Whatt do we wish for when we make a statement like this (exploring the invisible)?Develop skills in seeing more?The invisible has energy that we haven't tapped into, that is already in the system.We conserve resources/energy. Move with what is already moving (the wave metaphor).When synchronicity is there.Not to name it or measure it.The more I graple with something, the more mysterious it is."
Implications for the identity, information, relationships model: this conversation was more about at what level do we intervene at? the top level (structures, processes, policies)? the second level information, identity, relationships? or the third, meaning, action, trust? knowing that the latter, trust, is emergent. The consensus was sort of at the second level.
Periodically throughout the 4 days I had the opportunity to be in deep reflection. The final day revealed a coming together of many parts of myself and the resonance of wholeness. I became a system, or at least recognized myself as a system, better yet I was that which is system. The integration of parts is like a symphony, a resonance of unique qualities of vibration that coexist and sing.
I also connected with some fabulous people, new friends and old. Thanks to Joann, Myron, Mary, Sandra, Tamara, Gabriel, Chris and Merling for enhancing my experience.

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