Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Last Concept Map and Meta Map

I read my final book for the overview section of this knowledge area. Below is a concept map for Border Crossings: Cultural Workers and the Politics of Education by Henry Giroux. I don't know why the background is black. I have tried reposting but it still comes up black.

Here is my first pass at a meta-map. I took concepts from maps of all 12 books that I read and identified some chunks of information, themes and connections in the field of structural inequality. This is far from a detailed map but I think provides enough information to map out the field of what I will write about in my Overview paper. This week, I plan to start writing my Overview paper.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

October 14, 2007

Well, I am still trying to get through Border Crossings. I am about half way through the book. I just had so little time to read this week. I should have it completed by next week. I am posting some concept maps of books I have already read and didn't have maps for yet. Below is Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire.

And here is a map of Postmodern Education by Stanley Aronowitz

And finally, here is a map for Women's Ways of Knowing by Mary Field Belenky, Blythe Mc Vicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuch Tarule.

Next week, I WILL complete my final book, Border Crossings by Henry Giroux

Monday, October 1, 2007

Commitments for Oc. 1-7

This week I plan to read my final book for my Overview study and revise my KA contract.

Readings from Week of September25-Oct. 1

This week I read Empowering Education by Ida Shor. This was a great read for me as it combined by interest in theory and practice. Shor uses Freirian problem-posing education and describes a new way of teaching that starts from what students know and leads them to act on inequalities in society. Here is the map:

Concept Maps from Last week

Last week, I was unable to post concept maps. I am trying again.
Below is Orientalism by Edward Said. This book gives a comprehensive account of Orientalists and the extensive body of knowledge created by them on the Orient. Said argues that Orientalism has shaped Western ideologies and the Orient.

Below is the concept map for The Impact of Inequality:How to Make Sick Societies Healthier by Richard Wilkinson.

Below is a concept map for Power/Knowledge by Michael Foucault:

Finally, below is a map for Stigma by Erving Goffman: