Friday, September 19, 2008
Human Dynamics Institute
Overview Outline
Carla Colmenarez
KA-Systems Thinking and Intervention
Overview Paper-Outline
1) What is systems thinking: describe the paradigm shift we are in. from historical perspective.
o Paradigms: Kuhn/Bohm-process and structure
o From what to what
o Newtonian/Quantum
o Aristotle
o Open/closed-parts to connectedness
2) What is the landscape of theories. How are they similar/different (Science, Human, Ed.)
a) Science
i) Cybernetics/macy conferences
ii) General systems-across scientific disciplines
iii) dissipative structures,
iv) Complexity-non-linearity, attractors
v) Chaos/order-Bohm, self-organization, emergence
vi) Complex Adaptive: structure (dissipative), pattern (autopoeisis), process (cognition)
vii) Living systems-ecology
b) Human
i) Design and planning
ii) Organizational development
iii) Culture, behavior
c) Cognition
i) Bateson-characteristics and learning
ii) Gardner-creativity
iii) Mind/Brain/Education
3) What is the evolution of thinking---what are they like today? Applications
a) World Café
b) Future Search
c) Networks/communities of practice
Pay attention to/Themes: what is essence of systems thinking, how change over time, variety of fields it touches,
Bateson, G. (1972). Steps to an ecology of mind. New York: Ballantine.
Bohm, D. (1983). Wholeness and the implicate order. New York: Ark.
Bohm, D. (1987). Science, Order and Creativity. New York: Bantam Books.
Brown, J. & Isaacs, D. (2005). The world café: Shaping our futures through conversations that matter. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Capra, F. (1996). The web of life. New York: Anchor Books.
Capra, F. & Flatau, M. Emergence and design in human organizations: Creative tension “At the edge of chaos.” Unpublished manuscript, Center for Ecoliteracy, Berkely, California, and University of Hertfordshire, England.
Fisher, K.
Gardner, H. (1982). Art, mind and brain: A cognitive approach to creativity. New York: Basic Books.
Kuhn, T. (1970). The structure of scientific revolutions. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Jantsch, E. (1975). Design for evolution: self-organization and planning in human systems. New York: G. Braziller
Thompson, W.I. (Ed.). (1991). Gaia 2: Emergence the new science of becoming. Hudson, NY: Lindsfarne Press.
Weisbord, M. & Janoff, S. (2000). Future Search: An action guide to finding common ground in organizations & communities. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Wheatley, M. (1999). Leadership and the new science: Discovering order in a chaotic world. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler.
Wheatley, M. & Kellner-Rogers, M. (1996). A simpler way. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
Meta Map for Systems Thinking
I have started writing the paper and hope to have at least half of a draft by next week.

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Design for Evolution
I felt way out of the groove on my Fielding work this summer. I worked very hard on work stuff and attended some great learning opportunities that connect to work but didn't spend time collecting notes, reflections and learnings. I completed the work for my application in systems with great success. Now that my life is settling down, I will need to do alot of writing.
Here is a concept map for Design for Evolution by Erich Jantsch. I connected to this author in a unique way. I felt in a lot of ways that he was using my language, or I was using his, and say a deep connection to my work and thoughts at this point.

Summer Reflections